Monday, March 10, 2025
HomeHistorical PlacesKing Birat’s Palace

King Birat’s Palace

King Birat’s Palace is located at Biratnagar-18 in Morang district of Nepal. It lies in the Terai region of eastern Part of Nepal near India-Nepal border. It is one of the unexplored places in Nepal having lots of potential to attract the national and the international tourists. King Birat’s  palace is said to be built by King Birat. The name of the palace and the name of the place Biratnagar (headquarter of Morang District) is also named after the king Birat.

King Birat’s Palace has lots of historical and religious importance. Therefore, Biratnagar Metropolitan City has organized the campaign to conserve and build the Birat’s Place which has the huge potential to attract national and international tourists. Recently, a team of archaeological experts has done various research about the place. Various religious and intellectual people around the place have provided the inputs to archaeological experts from where the actual evidence of the palace is found.

The kingdom of King Birat is said to be spread from DharanVijaypur (366m altitude) in the north to Ganges River (Holy River for the people following hindu religion) in the south. It is said that, during the period of Mahabharat, Pandavas stayed in this place secretly for many years. Therefore, the name of the place where Birat’s Palace is located is called Bediyari.

The total area of the Palace is 2.5 square kilometer. The first revealing of the palace was done in 2027BS. During the first reveal, a 50 room ancient building inside the palace was found as still underground.

Long back in 1973 BS (1971 AD) a lock weighted merely 80 kilogram was reported to have been found during the construction of the Biratnagar- Rangeli road section of Hulaki Highway. As per the reports, the lock was then given to the then General Keshar Samsher who was on a visit to Morang District for hunting purposes. The lock was then taken by General Keshar Sumsher for research. The team found that the lock was made around 3100 years ago and said to be the lock of Birat’s Palace. Bhatiyari, a village of Morang district, has housed a big mass of bricks from the ancient age. The locals reported it to be the Emperor Birat’s Palace.

Birat’s Palace is also one of the religious places for those who follow Hindu religion. It is said that Pandavas and Lord Krishna resided in this palace during the Mahabharata period. Therefore, this place is considered one of the religious places beside a historical place.

Birat’s palace has lots of religious and historical paramount. Therefore, this palace is currently preserved by constructing a brick wall around it. Small museum is also now constructed near Birat’s Palace, where ancient bangles, clay lamps, bricks, clay pots, sitting mats made of stone, the sculptures of different gods and goddesses, dyes used to make food items prepared during the festival seasons and many other items found in the Birat’s Palace are preserved.

Birat’s palace is one of the oldest Palaces in Nepal. Therefore, this place is the best destination for those who want to observe the things used by the kings 1000 years ago.

Ancient materials found on excavation of King Birat’s Palace area

When first excavation of the place was done in 2027 BS, a 50 roomed ancient building was found as remain underground. On Biratnagar-Rangeli road 100 kg weighing Padlock was found which was taken by Keshar Samser the son of Chandrasamser. The spice grinder made of stone, ancient coins made of copper, silver and mud and different utencils made of metals and mud has been found there. When the dating of the materials was done by archeological department of Nepal, it was declared that the materials were about 3,100 years old.

The palace is spread to about 2.5 sq km area. By Nepal Government Rs. 35 lakhs is donated to preserve and promote this area by which the information centre, Compound wall on palace premice, a guard room, a pond are built and materials are preserved there. One can visit amazing ancient materials like bricks, different statues, utencils, household materials, etcs. President of the preservation committee is Kamalkishore Yadav.

-Article Written by: Anita Khatri for Land Nepal

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